Fuelling economic growth and competitiveness across the Asia Pacific region
- Human Capital is the key battleground - We can confidently say that learning provision is on the up in Asia and that human capital and its value to organisations has become the key battleground as organisations look to hone their competitive edges.
- Learners want to improve their skills - Asian organisations have woken up to the fact that while economic growth is likely to create considerable opportunities over the next few years, they can only truly harness this growth if they focus on their talent and accompanying skills. And learners clearly know this. One of the key reasons for this is the growth in Generation Y within the workforce. The “I knowwhat I want” generation are highly technologically literate, are positive and confident, and expect their companies to support them through their necessary Learning & Development. If not, they will look elsewhere.
- HR/L&D are finally retaking the initiative & learners are getting what they want & need – Learning supply is starting to meet demand: the result is that learners are feeling less compelled to look elsewhere and in their own time because they are not getting what they need.
- The formalising of informal learning – This growing role of HR and L&D departments is also seeing a formalising of informal learning that was previously taken up by the learner alone, as they weren’t getting what they needed from within the organisation (one possible way this is being manifested is in e-learning taking over from the classroom as the main provider of learning).
- Online learning has surpassed classroom learning - Online learning has now surpassed classroom learning as the most popular form of learning within Asia. While classroom learning is a still a key vehicle for learning in Asia and will continue to be so, this is a seismic shift and should not be underestimated. It’s also a culmination of the two main driving forces in Asian learning and global business today – the multi-generational workforces and the desire to receive learning in different ways and the technology developments that are enabling this to be achieved. This can also be seen in a dramatic increase in blended learning, which remains the fastest growing method of learning delivery across the region.
- The growth in soft skills - Our 2015 survey shows business skills (from 12% to 15%), personal development (from 11% to 15%) and management and language skills have all increased. This is a reflection of the need for Asian organisations to fully embrace multi-cultural, multi-generational workforces.
- Technology Being Used Like Never Before - More people are accessing learning electronically than via the classroom, tablet-based learning continues its exponential growth, and even desktop and laptops are growing platforms for training – an indication of more training taking place in the office and at the desk – probably due to a greater involvement from HR and L&D departments. The only technology not growing as a learning platform is smart phones despite their increased penetration – a cause for concern or just an indication as to how successful laptops and tablets are?

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