Cegos at the forefront of learning as a strategic factor in competitiveness
- Market a range of solutions that directly address each person's professional development goals
- Design and implement bespoke solutions that will guide and support businesses through their major transformations
- Continue to lead the way on the question of learning effectiveness, a key competitiveness factor and more important now than ever"
- 70% of learning by doing, in the form of hands-on experience and participants' on-the-job training
- 20% of informal learning with other people, essentially through discussions with other professionals, communities of expertise (Cegos subject-matter blogs) and peer coaching
- 10% of formal learning (with a Cegos expert or through the e-learning library, etc)
- The variety of training courses offered by Cegos, in terms of both topics and formats, lets each customer optimise the spend, depending on the budget and the time available.
- Cegos' engineering is fundamentally focused on operational transposition. Learning effectiveness is therefore proven, since learners can apply what they learnt during the course in what they do at work, no sooner have they returned from the course.
- Lastly, Cegos offers an appropriate, thorough system for evaluating the effectiveness of learning: it measures satisfaction, learning outcomes, whether the outcomes are applied on the job, and the operational impact of the training. Within the next few weeks, a specific offer will be rolled out to evaluate this last point.